Welcome - IMPORTANT Please Read FIRST.
Thank you for inquiring about our EESystem. We are so happy you have found us!
Please review the information below, then if you have any additional questions please call, text or email our center.
We look forward to connecting with you soon!
What is an EESystem session?
People stay in the EESystem for anywhere from 1 or 2, to 4 or even 6 hours. Depending on your personal situation and desired results, it is suggested you visit us several times a week at first, then as often as you can. It is strongly recommended you do a detox bath (either full body or foot) within 24 hours of being in the EES. Detox bath/soak is with Sea Salt or Himalayan Salt (NOT Epsom), and may also include baking soda and/or borax.
How long do the effects last?
The effects of sitting in this “charged” field are cumulative. The more you are exposed, the more your body can move toward a healthy millivolt level. The body begins to rejuvenate itself and initiates a powerful process of self-healing. EESystem provides the ideal “frequency bath” and the body responds with its innate wisdom, recalibrating to homeostasis.
Many people choose to purchase EEgear such as EEMedallions, EEbracelets, EEShower Filter and EESalt to take with them and enhance their healing journey.
Some benefits that have been reported from EES sessions are:
• Deep relaxation and meditation states
• Pain and inflammation relief
• Improved immune function
• Increased confidence and emotional stability
• Accelerated recovery post-surgery and injury
• Increased energy
• Improved skin texture and appearance
• Improved stress tolerance & sleep
• Enhanced learning states, improved creativity
• Improved mental focus (as measured by EEG)
• Balance R and L brain hemispheres (measured by EEG)
• Improved athletic performance
• Improved blood tests
• Detoxification and oxygenation
• Promotes antidepressant activity as it reduces noradrenaline uptake.
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Learn more from EESystem inventor, Dr. Sandra Michael at www.EESYSTEM.com
Watch her latest interview with Jason Shurka.
In Light & Love,
~QLI staff
What are the Prices of EESystem Session?
Walks-ins welcome as we have an open flow format, or you may call or textl us at (530) 649-4005 to be sure a seat is saved for you in advance of your arrival. No appointment necessary within business hours.
PRICING PER SESSION (All sessions are Group Sessions):
1 Hour Session = $60
2 Hour Session = $100 ($50/hour)
10 Hour Prepaid Plan = $400 ($40/hour)
20 Hour Prepaid Plan = $700 ($35/hour)
30 Hour Prepaid Plan = $900 ($30/hour)
You must be a member of the Quantum Light Infusion Collective, as we are a Private Ministerial Association..
We do NOT answer Medical Questions. The EESystem is NOT a medical device.
Please refer back to testimonials, and clinicals on the EESystem research page. You may also find many testimonials and shared information on FaceBook by searching for the groups: EESystem Testimonials and EESystem Enthusiasts or UnifydHealing.
We hope this empowers you to learn and make your own decision regarding your own health and wellness.